Top Things To Know About Having A Key Duplicated

If you need to have a key duplicated for the first time, you might have a few questions. Luckily, this is usually a pretty affordable, fast, and easy process, once you know what to do. These are a few of the basics that you'll likely want to know when it's time for you to have a key copied.

There Are Lots of Places You Can Have It Done

There are generally lots of different places where you can have a duplicate key made. A locksmith is an obvious choice, and a good local locksmith should be more than happy to help you. Additionally, many hardware stores and home improvement stores offer this service.

Start With the Original (If Possible)

If at all possible, it's best to use the original key rather than a duplicate when having a key copied. Although it is possible to successfully have a duplicate key copied, there are sometimes very small differences between a duplicate key and an original. Each time that you have a duplicate key copied, there are even more minor differences, which can eventually affect the accuracy and performance of the key.

Choose a Customized Key

You can choose a standard, typical key when you're having a key duplicated, but this often is not your only option. Many locksmiths and others who offer these services will allow you to have a customized key made in a certain color or with a certain print.

Have Multiple Keys Made

When you're having keys duplicated, it's often a good idea to go ahead and have multiple copies made. For example, if you're having duplicate keys made for your house, you may want to have enough duplicates made so that you can give one to each person who lives in the house, as well as a trusted friend or neighbor who might need to help in an emergency or watch your house while you're out of town.

Be Aware of Restrictions

Lastly, be aware of restrictions on having keys duplicated. If a key has been printed with "do not copy" or "do not duplicate," the locksmith might not make you a duplicate copy. Additionally, not all keys can be properly duplicated. For example, many modern car keys have to be duplicated in a special way, with the use of special equipment. A locksmith who commonly helps with vehicle-related matters should be able to help, however, or you might be able to have the job done at a car dealership. However, be aware that having a duplicate car key made is often more expensive, so this is something you should be prepared for.

Contact a company like Action Lock and Key to learn more. 
