Why You Should Hire Your Own Car Lockout Service versus Using One through Roadside Assistance

If you have a roadside assistance plan, you might assume that using that plan is your best course of action if you need to call a locksmith after locking yourself out of your car. However, you might be better off just hiring your own car lockout service in this situation instead of going through your roadside assistance plan. These are a few reasons why this is the case.

Choose Your Own Lockout Provider

For one thing, if you use your roadside assistance plan, you might not be able to pick your own provider. Instead, you might just have to use the locksmith service that your roadside assistance company chooses. However, you don't want to hire just anyone when you're in need of someone who can help you access your car. For one thing, you'll want to find someone who knows what they are doing and who can get you into your car without causing any permanent damage. If you hire your own automotive locksmith, then you will be able to choose who you hire. Then, you can make sure that you are hiring the right person for the job rather than just using the service that your roadside assistance company chooses.

Get Someone Out More Quickly

When you're locked out of your car, getting access to your car again as soon as possible is probably your top priority. When you have to go through roadside assistance, however, you may have to call that company first, give them your membership number, and wait for them to call for someone to come and help you. When you hire your own automotive locksmith, however, you can simply call the locksmith on your own right away. This can help you get into your car that much faster so that you can continue on with your day.

Avoid Hitting Your Roadside Assistance Limits

With some roadside assistance plans, you are limited to only using a certain number of services per year. Once they are all used up, you'll have to pay for the services separately. For something like being locked out of your car, you might want to hire your own lockout service instead of using roadside assistance. Then, you will not have to worry about hitting the limits through your roadside assistance plan, so you'll be able to call for help when you need it for other things later on.

Don't just go through roadside assistance when you're locked out of your car. For the reasons mentioned above, consider calling a locksmith service like Bilco Safe & Lock, Inc., yourself instead.
